Learn how to prepare our Fish Ceviche with the help of our Chef.
Price for 2 adults, includes materials for the class.
Duration: 2 hours.
Reservation: Minimum 24 hours in advance.
Grades:By clicking the "Buy" button, you are explicitly acceptingthe cancellation terms and conditions.Prices are initially shown in dollars for reference, but when payment is made, it will be made in the Dominican peso currency.
Disfrute de una divertida actividad familiar o grupal con la ayuda de nuestro Chef.
Precio para 4 personas, incluye materiales para la clase.
Duración: 2 horas.
Reservación: Mínimo 24 horas antes.
Grades:By clicking the "Buy" button, you are explicitly acceptingthe cancellation terms and conditions.Prices are initially shown in dollars for reference, but when payment is made, it will be made in the Dominican peso currency.
Learn how to prepare our Fish Ceviche with the help of our Chef.
Price for 2 adults, includes materials for the class.
Duration: 2 hours.
Reservation: Minimum 24 hours in advance.
Grades:By clicking the "Buy" button, you are explicitly acceptingthe cancellation terms and conditions.Prices are initially shown in dollars for reference, but when payment is made, it will be made in the Dominican peso currency.